Ag-grid: Taming the Wild Beast – Custom Filter Component Visibility After Upgrading to v31
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Ag-grid: Taming the Wild Beast – Custom Filter Component Visibility After Upgrading to v31

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Are you struggling with Ag-grid’s custom filter components displaying unexpectedly after updating to version 31? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Ag-grid filtering and explore the reasons behind this issue. More importantly, we’ll provide you with actionable steps to regain control over your filtering components.

The Problem: Custom Filter Components Gone Rogue

With Ag-grid, custom filter components are an essential feature for tailoring filtering experiences to your specific use cases. However, after updating to version 31, many developers have noticed that these components are now visible by default, causing unwanted clutter and disrupting the user experience. This sudden change in behavior can be frustrating, especially when you’re working on a project with tight deadlines.

Why is this happening?

The Ag-grid team introduced several changes in version 31, including modifications to the filtering system. One of these changes affects the default behavior of custom filter components, making them visible from the start. This change is intended to improve the overall filtering experience, but it might not align with your project’s requirements.

Solution: Taming the Custom Filter Component

Fear not, dear developer! We’ll walk you through the steps to regain control over your custom filter components and make them behave as desired.

Step 1: Understand the `filterParams` Property

In Ag-grid, the `filterParams` property is responsible for controlling the filter component’s behavior. This property is an object that contains various settings, including the `newRowsAction` property, which affects the visibility of custom filter components.

const columnDefs = [
    field: 'athlete',
    filter: 'agTextColumnFilter',
    filterParams: {
      newRowsAction: 'keep'

Step 2: Set `newRowsAction` to `’reset’`

By setting `newRowsAction` to `’reset’`, you can restore the previous behavior of custom filter components, making them invisible by default.

const columnDefs = [
    field: 'athlete',
    filter: 'agTextColumnFilter',
    filterParams: {
      newRowsAction: 'reset'

Step 3: Use the `onFirstDataRendered` Event

Another approach to controlling custom filter components is by using the `onFirstDataRendered` event. This event is fired when the grid is first rendered, allowing you to manipulate the filter components programmatically.

onFirstDataRendered: params => {
  const filter instances = params.api.getFilterInstances();
  filterInstances.forEach(instance => {

Step 4: Implement a Custom Filter Component with a Toggle Button

If you want to provide users with the ability to toggle the visibility of custom filter components, you can create a custom filter component with a toggle button.

const CustomFilterComponent = () => {
  const [showFilter, setShowFilter] = useState(false);

  return (
{showFilter && (
); };


Ag-grid’s custom filter components can be a powerful tool for creating tailored filtering experiences. By understanding the `filterParams` property and implementing the solutions outlined above, you can regain control over your custom filter components and make them behave as desired. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility – so use these techniques wisely to create an exceptional user experience!

Solution Description
Set `newRowsAction` to `’reset’` Restores the previous behavior of custom filter components, making them invisible by default.
Use the `onFirstDataRendered` event Allows you to manipulate filter components programmatically when the grid is first rendered.
Implement a custom filter component with a toggle button Provides users with the ability to toggle the visibility of custom filter components.
  • Remember to check the Ag-grid documentation for the latest information on filtering and custom filter components.
  • Experiment with different approaches to find the solution that best suits your project’s needs.
  • Don’t hesitate to reach out to the Ag-grid community or seek help from experts if you encounter any issues.


  1. What’s the difference between `newRowsAction` and `onFirstDataRendered`?

    `newRowsAction` is a property that affects the visibility of custom filter components, while `onFirstDataRendered` is an event that allows you to manipulate filter components programmatically when the grid is first rendered.

  2. Can I use both solutions simultaneously?

    Yes, you can combine the solutions outlined above to achieve the desired behavior. However, be cautious of potential conflicts between the approaches.

  3. What’s the best approach for complex filtering scenarios?

    For complex filtering scenarios, it’s recommended to implement a custom filter component with a toggle button. This provides users with the flexibility to toggle the visibility of filter components as needed.

Final Thoughts

Ag-grid’s custom filter components are a powerful tool, and with these solutions, you can tame the wild beast and create an exceptional user experience. Remember to stay up-to-date with the latest Ag-grid documentation and best practices to ensure your project remains on track.

Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Ag-grid: custom filter component is visible from the beginning (after update to v31)” in English language, written in a creative voice and tone, with HTML formatting:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about Ag-grid custom filter components!

What’s the deal with custom filter components being visible from the start?

After updating to Ag-grid v31, you might’ve noticed that your custom filter components are suddenly visible from the get-go. Don’t worry, this is an intended behavior! Ag-grid now initializes the custom filter components immediately, making them visible by default.

How do I hide the custom filter component until it’s needed?

No problem! You can easily toggle the visibility of your custom filter component using the `filterOpened` event. Just listen for this event and set the component’s visibility to false initially. When the user interacts with the filter, the event will fire, and you can set the visibility to true.

Can I still use the old behavior where the custom filter is hidden initially?

While the new behavior is the default, you can opt-out and go back to the old way by setting the `initiallyVisible` property to false in your custom filter component’s definition. This will make the component hidden until the user interacts with the filter.

Will this change affect my existing Ag-grid implementation?

If you’ve already implemented custom filter components in your Ag-grid project, you might need to make some adjustments to accommodate this change. Take a closer look at your code and make the necessary tweaks to ensure your filters work as expected.

Where can I find more information about custom filter components in Ag-grid?

The Ag-grid documentation is your friend! Check out the official Ag-grid docs for an in-depth guide on custom filter components, including examples and code snippets to get you started.

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