Mastering Postman – GraphQL String Query: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Mastering Postman – GraphQL String Query: A Step-by-Step Guide

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GraphQL has taken the world of APIs by storm, and Postman has emerged as one of the most popular tools for interacting with GraphQL APIs. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Postman – GraphQL string query, exploring its benefits, setup, and usage. So, buckle up and get ready to learn!

What is GraphQL?

Before we dive into the world of Postman – GraphQL string query, it’s essential to understand what GraphQL is. GraphQL is a query language for APIs that allows you to request specific data from a server. It’s an alternative to traditional REST (Representational State of Resource) APIs, which often return a fixed set of data.

GraphQL is designed to provide more flexibility and efficiency in API development. With GraphQL, you can specify exactly what data you need, and the server will return only that data. This approach reduces network overhead and improves performance.

Benefits of Using Postman with GraphQL

Postman is a popular API testing tool that has native support for GraphQL. Combining Postman with GraphQL offers several benefits:

  • Faster development: With Postman, you can quickly test and iterate on your GraphQL API, reducing development time and increasing productivity.
  • Easier debugging: Postman’s built-in debugging tools help you identify and fix issues in your GraphQL API, saving you time and frustration.
  • Better collaboration: Postman allows you to share your GraphQL API with team members and stakeholders, promoting collaboration and feedback.

Setting up Postman for GraphQL

To start using Postman with GraphQL, you’ll need to set up a new request. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Open Postman and click on the + New button to create a new request.
  2. In the Request tab, select GraphQL as the request type.
  3. Enter the URL of your GraphQL API endpoint.
  4. Choose the POST method, as GraphQL typically uses POST requests.
  5. In the Body tab, select the raw radio button.
  6. In the raw input field, enter your GraphQL query as a string. We’ll explore this in more detail later.

Understanding GraphQL String Queries

A GraphQL string query is a string that contains a GraphQL query. It’s a way to specify what data you want to retrieve from the server. A basic GraphQL string query consists of three parts:

query {

In this example, query is the operation type, and fieldName is the field you want to retrieve. The curly braces { } define the query block.

Let’s create a more complex query:

query {
  users {

In this example, we’re querying the users field, which returns a list of user objects. We’re asking for the id, name, and email fields for each user.

Variables in GraphQL String Queries

Variables allow you to parameterize your GraphQL queries, making them more flexible and reusable. You can define variables in your query using the $ symbol:

query ($id: ID!) {
  user(id: $id) {

In this example, we’re defining a variable $id of type ID!. The exclamation mark indicates that the variable is required. We’re then using this variable in the user field to retrieve a user by ID.

To pass variables to your query, you can use the Variables tab in Postman:

Key Value
$id 1

In this example, we’re passing the value 1 to the $id variable.

Fragment in GraphQL String Queries

Fragments allow you to reuse parts of your GraphQL query across multiple queries. A fragment is a reusable piece of a query that you can include in multiple places:

query {
  user(id: 1) {

fragment userInfo on User {

In this example, we’re defining a fragment called userInfo that retrieves the name and email fields for a user. We’re then including this fragment in our query using the ... syntax.

Mutations in GraphQL String Queries

Mutations allow you to modify data on the server. A mutation is a special type of query that creates, updates, or deletes data:

mutation {
  createUser(name: "John Doe", email: "[email protected]") {

In this example, we’re creating a new user with the name “John Doe” and email “[email protected]”. We’re asking for the id, name, and email fields to be returned.

Using GraphQL String Queries in Postman

Now that we’ve explored the basics of GraphQL string queries, let’s see how to use them in Postman:

POST /graphql HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "query": "query { users { id name email } }"

In this example, we’re sending a POST request to the /graphql endpoint with a JSON body. The query field contains our GraphQL string query.

In Postman, you can enter this query in the Body tab and send the request:

Postman GraphQL Query

Once you send the request, Postman will display the response from the server:

  "data": {
    "users": [
        "id": 1,
        "name": "John Doe",
        "email": "[email protected]"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Jane Doe",
        "email": "[email protected]"

In this example, the response contains a list of users with their id, name, and email fields.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of Postman – GraphQL string query, covering the benefits of using Postman with GraphQL, setting up Postman for GraphQL, and understanding GraphQL string queries. We’ve also learned how to use variables, fragments, and mutations in our queries.

By mastering Postman – GraphQL string query, you’ll be able to efficiently test and develop your GraphQL API, making you more productive and confident in your API development journey.

So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring the world of Postman – GraphQL string query today and take your API development to the next level!

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Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to master the art of crafting powerful GraphQL queries with Postman! Here are some frequently asked questions to get you started.

What is a GraphQL string query in Postman?

A GraphQL string query in Postman is a way to send a GraphQL query as a string in the request body of an HTTP request. This allows you to specify the exact data you want to retrieve from a GraphQL API, making it a powerful tool for querying and fetching data.

How do I write a GraphQL query in Postman?

To write a GraphQL query in Postman, simply enter the query in the request body of a new request. You can start with a simple query like `query { fieldName }`, where `fieldName` is the field you want to retrieve. Postman will automatically detect the query and send it as a GraphQL request.

Can I use variables in my GraphQL query in Postman?

Yes, you can use variables in your GraphQL query in Postman! To do this, define the variables in the query using the `$` symbol, like `query ($variable: Type) { fieldName }`. Then, pass the variable values in the request body using the `variables` key, like `{“variables”: {“variable”: “value”}}`.

How do I specify the GraphQL endpoint in Postman?

To specify the GraphQL endpoint in Postman, simply enter the endpoint URL in the request URL field. You can also specify the endpoint in the request headers using the `Content-Type` header with the value `application/json`, or by using the `GraphQL`-specific header `X-GraphQL-Endpoint`.

Can I use Postman to test and debug my GraphQL API?

Absolutely! Postman is an excellent tool for testing and debugging GraphQL APIs. You can use Postman to send queries and mutations, inspect the response, and debug any errors that occur. Postman also provides features like request history, response preview, and environment variables to make your testing and debugging process more efficient.

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