How to Set Prefix of Application Name into Output Information about System Metric Name when Using OpenTelemetry?
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How to Set Prefix of Application Name into Output Information about System Metric Name when Using OpenTelemetry?

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Are you tired of dealing with unclear and confusing system metric names in your OpenTelemetry output? Do you want to add a personal touch to your metrics by prefixing them with your application name? Look no further! In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of setting a prefix for your application name in OpenTelemetry’s system metric names.

Why Prefixing Application Name Matters?

Prefixed application names in system metric names can be a game-changer for several reasons:

  • Uniqueness: By adding your application name as a prefix, you can ensure that your metric names are unique and don’t conflict with other applications or services.
  • Readability: Prefixing your application name makes it easier to identify and understand the origin of the metrics, making it simpler to analyze and troubleshoot issues.
  • Organization: Prefixed application names can help you organize your metrics by application, making it simpler to manage and maintain your OpenTelemetry setup.

Configuring OpenTelemetry for Prefixing Application Name

To set a prefix for your application name in OpenTelemetry’s system metric names, you’ll need to configure the OpenTelemetry SDK in your application. The process varies depending on the programming language and framework you’re using. We’ll cover the most popular ones below:


In Java, you can configure OpenTelemetry using the `OpenTelemetry` class. Create an instance of the `OpenTelemetry` class and set the `metricsPrefix` property:

import io.opentelemetry.api.OpenTelemetry;
import io.opentelemetry.api.metrics.MeterProvider;

public class MyApp {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    OpenTelemetry openTelemetry = OpenTelemetry.builder()
    // Initialize the MeterProvider
    MeterProvider meterProvider = openTelemetry.getMeterProvider();
    // Use the MeterProvider to create and register metrics


In Python, you can configure OpenTelemetry using the `opentelemetry` module. Create a `meter_provider` instance and set the `metrics_prefix` parameter:

from opentelemetry import metrics

meter_provider = metrics.MeterProvider(

# Use the MeterProvider to create and register metrics


In .NET, you can configure OpenTelemetry using the `OpenTelemetry` class. Create an instance of the `OpenTelemetry` class and set the `MetricsPrefix` property:

using OpenTelemetry;

public class MyClass {
  public static void Main(string[] args) {
    using var openTelemetry = Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder("myapp-")
    // Use the TracerProvider to create and register metrics

Understanding OpenTelemetry’s Metric Naming Convention

Before we dive deeper into prefixing application names, it’s essential to understand OpenTelemetry’s metric naming convention. OpenTelemetry uses a hierarchical naming convention for metrics, which consists of the following components:

Component Description
Namespace The namespace where the metric is defined (e.g., “requests”)
Name The name of the metric (e.g., “count”)
Dimensions Optional dimensions that provide additional context (e.g., “http.method”, “http.status_code”)

When you set a prefix for your application name, it will be added to the namespace component of the metric name. For example, if you set the prefix to “myapp-” and create a metric named “requests.count”, the resulting metric name would be “myapp-requests.count”.

prefixing Application Name in Different Scenarios

Now that we’ve covered the basics of prefixing application names in OpenTelemetry, let’s explore some common scenarios where this feature comes in handy:

Microservices Architecture

In a microservices architecture, multiple services might be producing metrics with similar names. By prefixing each service’s application name, you can ensure that the metric names are unique and easily identifiable:

Service A: myapp-a-requests.count
Service B: myapp-b-requests.count

Distributed Systems

In distributed systems, you might have multiple instances of the same application running on different nodes. Prefixing the application name with a unique identifier can help you differentiate between instances:

Instance 1: myapp-node1-requests.count
Instance 2: myapp-node2-requests.count

Multi-Tenant Environments

In multi-tenant environments, you might have multiple applications running on the same infrastructure. By prefixing the application name, you can ensure that the metric names are unique and don’t conflict with other applications:

App 1: myapp-tenant1-requests.count
App 2: myapp-tenant2-requests.count

Best Practices and Considerations

When prefixing application names in OpenTelemetry, keep the following best practices and considerations in mind:

  • Consistency is key: Use a consistent naming convention for your application names and prefixes to avoid confusion and ensure readability.
  • Keep it short and sweet: Keep your prefix short and descriptive to avoid overly long metric names.
  • Avoid special characters: Avoid using special characters in your prefix to ensure compatibility with different systems and tools.
  • Test and validate: Test and validate your prefixing configuration to ensure it’s working as expected.

By following these best practices and considerations, you can ensure that your prefixed application names in OpenTelemetry are effective and efficient.


In this article, we’ve explored the importance of prefixing application names in OpenTelemetry’s system metric names. We’ve covered the configuration process for different programming languages and frameworks, understood OpenTelemetry’s metric naming convention, and discussed various scenarios where prefixing application names comes in handy. By following the best practices and considerations outlined in this article, you can take your OpenTelemetry setup to the next level and make your metric names more informative and organized.

So, what are you waiting for? Start prefixing your application names in OpenTelemetry today and take the first step towards a more organized and efficient monitoring setup!

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “How to set prefix of application name into output information about system metric name when using OpenTelemetry?” :

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most common questions about setting prefix of application name into output information about system metric name when using OpenTelemetry!

What is the purpose of prefixing application names in OpenTelemetry?

Prefixing application names in OpenTelemetry allows you to identify and differentiate between metrics from different applications or services, making it easier to monitor and analyze system performance.

How do I set a prefix for my application name in OpenTelemetry?

You can set a prefix for your application name by configuring the `resource` attribute in your OpenTelemetry exporter. For example, in the OTLP exporter, you can set `resource.attributes[“”]` to `”my_app”` to prefix your application name.

Can I set a custom prefix for my application name in OpenTelemetry?

Yes, you can set a custom prefix for your application name in OpenTelemetry by modifying the `resource` attribute in your exporter configuration. For example, you can set `resource.attributes[“”]` to `”my_custom_prefix-my_app”` to prefix your application name with a custom string.

How does prefixing application names affect metric naming in OpenTelemetry?

Prefixing application names in OpenTelemetry affects metric naming by appending the prefix to the metric name. For example, if you set the prefix to `”my_app”` and the metric name is `”requests_count”`, the resulting metric name would be `”my_app.requests_count”`.

What are the benefits of prefixing application names in OpenTelemetry?

Prefixing application names in OpenTelemetry provides benefits such as improved metric organization, easier filtering and aggregation, and better visibility into application performance. It also enables you to use the same metric names across multiple applications without conflicts.

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