How to Play Audio (MP3) in Compose Multiplatform with Kotlin/Wasm Target?
Image by Almitah -

How to Play Audio (MP3) in Compose Multiplatform with Kotlin/Wasm Target?

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Welcome to this comprehensive guide on playing audio files in Compose Multiplatform with Kotlin/Wasm target! If you’re struggling to get your audio files to play in your Compose Multiplatform app, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll take you through a step-by-step process to help you achieve this feat.


Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Kotlin Multiplatform plugin (version 1.6.0 or higher)
  • Compose Multiplatform (version 1.1.0 or higher)
  • VS Code or IntelliJ IDEA (with Kotlin and Compose plugins)
  • A Wasm-capable browser (e.g., Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox)

Step 1: Set up Your Project

Create a new Kotlin Multiplatform project in your preferred IDE (VS Code or IntelliJ IDEA). Choose the “Compose Multiplatform” template and name your project (e.g., “AudioPlayer”). Make sure to select “Wasm” as the target platform.

kotlin {
  js(IR) {
    moduleName = "AudioPlayer"

This configuration tells Kotlin to compile your code for the JavaScript platform, using the IR compiler, and targets the browser.

Step 2: Add Audio File to Your Project

Create a new folder called “assets” in your project’s root directory. Add your MP3 audio file (e.g., “music.mp3”) to this folder.

File Structure

  • assets/
    • music.mp3

Step 3: Create an Audio Player Composable

Create a new Kotlin file called “AudioPlayer.kt” in your project’s “common” folder. Define a composable function called “AudioPlayer” that takes a string parameter for the audio file URL:

>import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import org.jetbrains.compose.web.dom.HtmlTag

fun AudioPlayer(audioUrl: String) {
  HtmlTag("audio") {
    attrs.src = audioUrl
    attrs.controls = true

This composable function creates an HTML audio element with the provided audio URL and enables controls for the audio player.

Step 4: Load and Play Audio File

Create another Kotlin file called “Main.kt” in your project’s “jsMain” folder. In this file, define a composable function called “Main” that loads and plays the audio file:

>import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.web.runtime.remember
import org.jetbrains.compose.web.dom.Document
import org.jetbrains.compose.web.dom.HtmlTag

fun Main() {
  val audioUrl = remember { "assets/music.mp3" }
  Document {
    HtmlTag("body") {

This composable function loads the audio file URL and passes it to the “AudioPlayer” composable function, which creates the audio element and enables playback.

Step 5: Run and Test Your App

Run your application using the following command in your terminal:

./gradlew jsBrowser Distribution

Open a Wasm-capable browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080. You should see an audio player with controls, and the audio file should start playing automatically.


If you encounter any issues during this process, check the following:

  1. Verify that the audio file is correctly added to the “assets” folder and imported in your Kotlin file.
  2. Check the audio file URL and ensure it’s correctly formatted.
  3. Verify that your browser supports Wasm and audio playback.


That’s it! You’ve successfully played an audio file in your Compose Multiplatform app with Kotlin/Wasm target. This tutorial demonstrates the power of Compose Multiplatform and its ability to create cross-platform applications with ease. With this knowledge, you can now add audio playback capabilities to your own Compose Multiplatform projects.

Remember, this is just the beginning. You can further customize and enhance your audio player by adding more features, such as playback controls, volume adjustment, and more.

Next Steps

Take your audio player to the next level by exploring the following topics:

  • Implementing playback controls (play, pause, stop)
  • Adding volume adjustment functionality
  • Creating a playlist feature with multiple audio files
  • Using audio libraries like Howler.js or Pizzicato.js for more advanced audio processing

Happy coding, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to groove with your Kotlin/Wasm target project! Here are some frequently asked questions about playing audio (mp3) in Compose Multiplatform.

Q1: What is the best way to play an mp3 file in Compose Multiplatform with Kotlin/Wasm target?

To play an mp3 file, you can use the `Audio` API provided by the `kotlinx.coroutines` library. You’ll need to create an `Audio` instance, load the mp3 file, and then call the `play()` function to start the audio playback.

Q2: How do I load an mp3 file in Compose Multiplatform with Kotlin/Wasm target?

You can load an mp3 file by using the `resources` folder in your Compose Multiplatform project. Simply add your mp3 file to the `resources` folder, and then use the `resources` object to load the file as a `ByteArray`. From there, you can pass the `ByteArray` to the `Audio` API to play the audio.

Q3: Can I use a URL to play an mp3 file in Compose Multiplatform with Kotlin/Wasm target?

Yes, you can use a URL to play an mp3 file! To do this, you’ll need to use the `ktor-client` library to fetch the mp3 file from the URL, and then pass the resulting `ByteArray` to the `Audio` API to play the audio. Just be sure to handle any potential errors that may occur during the fetching process.

Q4: How do I stop an mp3 file from playing in Compose Multiplatform with Kotlin/Wasm target?

To stop an mp3 file from playing, you can call the `stop()` function on the `Audio` instance. This will halt the audio playback and release any system resources associated with the playback. You can also use the `pause()` function to pause the audio playback, and then resume it later using the `play()` function.

Q5: Are there any limitations or caveats I should be aware of when playing mp3 files in Compose Multiplatform with Kotlin/Wasm target?

Yes, there are some limitations to be aware of! For example, the `Audio` API only supports playback of audio files that are stored locally, so you won’t be able to play audio files from external URLs. Additionally, the `Audio` API may not work correctly in certain browsers or environments, so be sure to test your implementation thoroughly.

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