Having Trouble with Mismatched Input Expecting End of Line without Line Continuation in Tradingview? We’ve Got You Covered!
Image by Almitah - hkhazo.biz.id

Having Trouble with Mismatched Input Expecting End of Line without Line Continuation in Tradingview? We’ve Got You Covered!

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re stuck with an annoying error message in Tradingview, and you’re not alone! The “mismatched input expecting end of line without line continuation” error can be frustrating, especially when you’re trying to create a complex PineScript code. Fear not, dear trader, for we’re about to dive into the world of PineScript and tackle this error once and for all.

What is the “Mismatched Input Expecting End of Line without Line Continuation” Error?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand what this error means. In PineScript, when you write a code, the compiler expects each line to be a complete statement. If you forget to end a line with a semicolon (;) or use an incorrect line continuation character, the compiler gets confused. This results in the “mismatched input expecting end of line without line continuation” error.

Common Scenarios that Trigger this Error:

  • Forgetting to end a line with a semicolon (;)
  • Using an incorrect line continuation character (\ instead of \\\)
  • Mixing up line breaks and indentation
  • Unclosed brackets or parentheses

Solution: Understanding PineScript Line Continuation and Indentation

To fix this error, you need to understand how PineScript handles line continuation and indentation. Here are the rules:

PineScript Line Continuation:

In PineScript, you can use the backslash (\) character to continue a line. However, you need to use it correctly:

// Correct usage:
var MyVar = 10 \
    + 20 \
    * 30;

// Incorrect usage:
var MyVar = 10 \
    + 20
    * 30;

Note the difference? In the correct usage, each continued line starts with a backslash (\). In the incorrect usage, the second line doesn’t start with a backslash, causing the error.

PineScript Indentation:

PineScript uses indentation to define block-level structure. You can use spaces or tabs for indentation, but it’s essential to be consistent:

if (close > open) {
    // Correct indentation:
    strategy.entry("MyLong", strategy.long)

    // Incorrect indentation:
    strategy.entry("MyShort", strategy.short)  

In the correct example, the indentation is consistent within the if-statement block. In the incorrect example, the second line has an inconsistent indentation, which can trigger the error.

Best Practices to Avoid the Error:

To avoid the “mismatched input expecting end of line without line continuation” error, follow these best practices:

  1. Use a consistent indentation scheme (spaces or tabs)
  2. End each line with a semicolon (;) unless it’s a block-level statement (if, for, while, etc.)
  3. Use the correct line continuation character (\) and ensure each continued line starts with a backslash
  4. Use an IDE or code editor with PineScript syntax highlighting to catch errors early

Real-World Examples and Troubleshooting:

Let’s take a look at some real-world examples and how to troubleshoot the error:

Example 1: Forgetting to End a Line with a Semicolon (;)

var MyVar = 10
    + 20
    * 30


var MyVar = 10;
    + 20;
    * 30;

Example 2: Mixing Up Line Breaks and Indentation

if (close > open)
    strategy.entry("MyLong", strategy.long)
  strategy.entry("MyShort", strategy.short)


if (close > open) {
    strategy.entry("MyLong", strategy.long)
    strategy.entry("MyShort", strategy.short)

Example 3: Incorrect Line Continuation

var MyVar = 10 \
    + 20
    * 30;


var MyVar = 10 \
    + 20 \
    * 30;


The “mismatched input expecting end of line without line continuation” error in Tradingview can be frustrating, but with a solid understanding of PineScript line continuation and indentation, you can overcome it. By following the best practices and troubleshooting examples provided in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most complex PineScript codes.

Troubleshooting Checklist
Check for consistent indentation
Verify each line ends with a semicolon (;)
Use the correct line continuation character (\\)
Check for unclosed brackets or parentheses

Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you code in PineScript, the more comfortable you’ll become with its syntax and nuances. Happy coding, and don’t let the “mismatched input expecting end of line without line continuation” error hold you back!

Frequently Asked Question

Get help with the pesky “mismatched input expecting end of line without line continuation” error in Tradingview

Why do I get this error in Tradingview?

You’re getting this error because Tradingview’s PineScript compiler is expecting the end of a line, but it’s not finding it. This usually happens when you have an unclosed parenthesis, bracket, or quote, causing the compiler to get confused. It’s like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces!

How do I find the mistake in my code?

To find the mistake, go through your code line by line and check for any unclosed parentheses, brackets, or quotes. You can also use the “Find” function in Tradingview to search for specific characters. It’s like searching for a needle in a haystack, but with code!

What if I have a large codebase and can’t find the error?

Don’t worry! If you have a large codebase, try breaking it down into smaller sections and recompile each section separately. This will help you narrow down where the error is occurring. You can also use online tools or plugins to help you identify the error. It’s like having a code detective on your side!

Can I avoid this error in the future?

Yes! To avoid this error in the future, make sure to use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or a code editor with syntax highlighting and auto-completion features. This will help you catch errors as you write your code. It’s like having a safety net for your code!

What if I’m still stuck and can’t find the error?

Don’t worry, we’ve all been there! If you’re still stuck, try searching online for solutions, asking for help on Tradingview forums or PineScript communities, or even hiring a PineScript expert to help you out. It’s like having a code rescue team at your fingertips!

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